clausal logic

clausal logic
аппарат логических выражений, проф. клаузальная логика (форма логики, при которой все высказывания представляются с помощью логических операторов И, ИЛИ и НЕТ)

English-Russian dictionary of computer science and programming. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "clausal logic" в других словарях:

  • Logic programming — is, in its broadest sense, the use of mathematical logic for computer programming. In this view of logic programming, which can be traced at least as far back as John McCarthy s [1958] advice taker proposal, logic is used as a purely declarative… …   Wikipedia

  • Clausal normal form — The clausal normal form (or clause normal form, conjunctive normal form, CNF) of a logical formula is used in logic programming and many theorem proving systems. A formula in clause normal form is a set of clauses, interpreted as a conjunction. A …   Wikipedia

  • SLD resolution — ( Selective Linear Definite clause resolution) is the basic inference rule used in logic programming. It is a refinement of resolution, which is both sound and refutation complete for Horn clauses. The SLD inference ruleGiven a goal clause: eg L… …   Wikipedia

  • Superposition calculus — The superposition calculus is a calculus for reasoning in equational first order logic. It has been developed in the early 1990s and combines concepts from first order resolution with ordering based equality handling as developed in the context… …   Wikipedia

  • Planner (programming language) — Planner (often seen in publications as PLANNER although it is not an acronym) is a programming language designed by Carl Hewitt at MIT, and first published in 1969. First, subsets such as Micro Planner and Pico Planner were implemented, and then… …   Wikipedia

  • Method of analytic tableaux — A graphical representation of a partially built propositional tableau In proof theory, the semantic tableau (or truth tree) is a decision procedure for sentential and related logics, and a proof procedure for formulas of first order logic. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Conjunctive normal form — In Boolean logic, a formula is in conjunctive normal form (CNF) if it is a conjunction of clauses, where a clause is a disjunction of literals. As a normal form, it is useful in automated theorem proving. It is similar to the product of sums form …   Wikipedia

  • List of mathematics articles (C) — NOTOC C C closed subgroup C minimal theory C normal subgroup C number C semiring C space C symmetry C* algebra C0 semigroup CA group Cabal (set theory) Cabibbo Kobayashi Maskawa matrix Cabinet projection Cable knot Cabri Geometry Cabtaxi number… …   Wikipedia

  • CNF — is a three letter acronym, and may refer to: Cornell NanoScale Facility Canadian Neutron Facility at the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre Canadian Nurses Foundation Carbon nanofibers Caribbean National Forest Cameroons National Federation Chomsky… …   Wikipedia

  • Vampire theorem prover — Vampire is an automatic theorem prover for first order classical logic developed in the Computer Science Department of the University of Manchester by Prof. Andrei Voronkov previously together with Dr. Alexandre Riazanov. It has won the world cup …   Wikipedia

  • Ellipsis (linguistics) — In the grammar of a sentence, an elliptical construction is a construction that lacks an element that is, nevertheless, recoverable or inferable from the context [… …   Wikipedia

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